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Use Cases

Media Watch on Climate Change. Acquiring, managing and applying knowledge are crucial steps in addressing environmental issues, and ensuring that change is conceived and implemented on both regional and society-wide scales. To increase awareness and the availability of environmental information, the Media Watch provides a comprehensive and continuously updated account of media coverage on climate change and related issues. The portal aggregates, filters and visualizes environmental Web content from 150 Anglo-American news media sites.

Contextualized Access of Tourism-Related Electronic Resources (CATER) investigates context-aware information retrieval in the tourism domain. It aims to develop a search module for IDIOM’s contextualized information spaces with advanced disambiguation and query refinement, as well as just-in-time information retrieval agents to identify related material automatically. The results will be displayed via a tightly coupled interface - e.g. query term expansion to locate documents and people related Austrian destinations, and project them onto the Google Earth interface.

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